My economics matters not good yet. My aunt suggested me in order that Rafli go into Yayasan Nurul Iman. The advantages Rafli will get fellowship. I agreed of course. Although my heart unwilling, not shy but it should be…? As a matter of fact there is no way.

The requirement is simply. Rafli has to learn to read of Al Qur’an every monday after school finish, but Rafli never came from the beginning, when he was present Yayasan didn’t accept it. He cried. Ifelt sad. Finally My aunt and school made an effort in order to accept Rafli.
Now I’d like to thanks to My aunt, School, and Yayasan Nurul Iman. We didn’t know how to reply your kindness except pray to God, “Semoga ALLAH membalasnya, Amin….!!!”

My wife and me relieved, we don’t have to think the cost of school anymore. It was free. ALHAMDULILLAH. Luckily My son – Rafli – is genius. So could cover our shy. I didn’t understand why I had to be shy but in fact it was reality.

Yaa ALLAH, kami bersyukur kepada-Mu bahwasannya Engkau mudahkan kami untuk menyekolahkan anak kami – Rafli – dan kami bersyukur kepada-Mu bahwasannya Engkau jadikan Rafli anak yang pintar, dan kami memohon juga, jadikanlah Rafli dan Rialdi anak yang sholeh, yang berbakti terhadap orang tua, yang mengabdi terhadap nusa dan bangsa, yang bersandar kepada Islam. Amin..…!!!”

For Rafli : Someday you will understand about what we have done.
Hoping it could make ypu better.

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