bayi makan semangkabayifatger loves babeSebelum melahirkan anak yang kedua. Istri sayapun pernah mengalami keguguran diusia kandungan 3 bulan.

Pagi ini istri saya banyak mengekuarkan darah, segera saya keluarkan mobil pergi kerumah bidan dijalan Seke yang kebetulan dokternya ada.

Keluar dari pemeriksaan, istri saya Nampak sedih. “Ada apa…?” Tanyaku.. “Kata Dokter harus digugurkan!” Jawabnya, membuat saya tertegun. Nampak wajah kamipun diliputi duka. Pikiran tak tentu. Bener gitu..?! Tapi masa dokter salah……ahh…..

Kamipun pergi menuju rumah sakit yang dirujuk dijalan anyar karena ternyata dokter yang dibidan itu kerjanya dirumah sakit ini. Disini saya harus menandatangani surat persetujuan pengguguran. Hati saya berontak. Saya bilang kepada staf rumah sakit itu, “Saya menandatangani ini bukan karena keinginan saya tapi dokterlah yang menyuruhnya.” Ucap saya sedih.

Setelah itupun tidak langsung dioperasi, tapi harus menunggu. Menunggupun bukan satu jam dua jam tapi berjam-jam. Daftar pagi dioperasi sore. Dan selama itupula, saya dan istri jalan-jalan karena kesel. Dan andai waktu bisa dikemblikan mungkin saya akan memutuskan kabur saja toh istripun tidak mengalami keluhan lagi.

Terkadang saya suka menyesal andai saya baca info medis atau cerita orang-orang bahwa hal seperti itu masih bisa ditolong. Tapi karena waktu tak bisa diputar, akhirnya saya pasrah, dan hanya bisa mengenang. Que sera….. Sera……!

Before the second child. My wife had never experienced a miscarriage at the age of 3 months of pregnancy.

This morning my wife a lot of blood, I remove the car immediately went into the house in the street an instant midwife who happened to her doctors there.

Out of the examination, my wife seemed sad. “What …?” I asked .. “The doctor should be in the Drop!” The answer, made me stunned. We face seem too overwhelmed with grief. Not necessarily mind. .. So true! But the doctors wrong … … ahh … ..

We also went to the hospital who are referred in the way newer because the doctor found that midwives working in this hospital. Here I have to sign a consent abortion. My heart rebelled. I told the hospital staff, “I signed it not because I desire but doctors told him.” Says I’m sad.

After that was not directly in the operation, but had to wait. Nor waited an hour two hours, but for hours. List of operations early in the afternoon. And for that also, my wife and I walk because kesel. And if time could be restored maybe I’ll decide flee nor did his wife have another complaint.

Sometimes I like sorry if I read the medical info or stories of people that such things can still be helped. But because time can not be played, I finally let go, and could only remember. Que sera … .. Sera … …!
> tukar